Saturday, September 14, 2013

A 55th Birthday in ICU - not the best day, but one he won't soon forget.

BIG 55 Today !!!
Short and sweet tonight. Mike turned 55 today in ICU.  There will be better birthday's ahead.  So much to look forward to.  PA Craig Keller came in today - all looks perfect.  Besides that Mikey slept, took numerous drugs, shifted his body from his back to slightly left and to his back again. (only choices)  Pain seems to be managed pretty well and they have quite the routine down.  Opppps Mike sort of forgot to eat today but is getting a Heart Healthy dinner in.  Tomorrow he gets moved back to 45.  That's the 4th floor again up elevator A.  I like that because it's so easy to get to and no locked doors. 
Madison, Mike's daughter came by to say "Happy 55th Birthday Daddy" 

Mike at his 54th birthday last year on his deck. (favorite place to be. Besides the golf course)  Don't worry sweetie, many more birthdays to come! 

Love and hugs to MC and believe me he deserves 55 spankings!! 

SB & MC out from the party house. 

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Post Surgery Day 1

Good afternoon everyone - It's a good day for MC!  He's much better than last night and he knows he will feel better each passing day.  He managed through a phone call with daughter Madison and brother Pat for just a minute or so.  Tomorrow is Mike's 55th birthday and he is very nervous someone may show up to visit - I really need to caution everyone that he is NOT up for any visitors and the ICU caregivers won't let anyone in anyway.  :-)  Gatekeepers all around.  

Mike will be the first to say - this surgery really kicked his BUTT!  This was huge.  The pain level is down to a manageable 5-6 today.  They also moved Mike to his bed that has the egg carton foam - the one he had the 12 days before the surgery.  It seems to help a lot with pressure points.  He has had 2 more blood transfusions today added to the 3 he had yesterday.  His body is not bleeding so much anymore, but he is still oozing fluid into his various drains.  They seem to be hanging all over his body.  

Last night they did a quick EKG and X-Ray because Mike was complaining of left shoulder pain.  His heart is fine!  Mike felt that the pain was due to two reasons -1. he was laying on his broken clavicle during surgery for 7.5 hours and the Central Line "CVC" Click here to learn about the CVC .

MC's foot lives!  
This is the Cook Doppler doing it's job and giving us a report 
that the blood is flowing well into the flap.  
(I tried uploading a video, but can't seem to get the format right)

I rolled in bright and early this morning however missed Dr. Frome's 6am visit by just minutes.  However I was here when PA Craig Keller came in.  He had great things to say about the flap.  He also changed the dressing.  Mike gave me the thumbs up on sharing the photos.  SO, if you don't want to see them - log off and DON'T SCROLL DOWN!  Let this be your warning.  I'm sharing because this IS the reality of what MC is going through and most want to see the photos.  Apparently it all looks good according to Keller.  The swelling is expected and what it looks like today is not what it will look like in the future.  The black skin comes off in a week and a very, very large piece of Mike's skin will be harvested, attached to a mesh and stretched to fit over the flap.  Pretty amazing to be at the bottom of this foot. 



PA Craig Keller chatting with Mike about how he is feeling. 

Keller taking a close look before deciding he wanted to do a total dressing change. 
They keep a peek hole in the dressing so they can take a lookie-loo at any given moment. 

The dark part of (right side of the ankle / foot) is the muscle from Mike's back and is now known as his Free Flap and more importantly his new foot "to be".  There is a drain tube at the top.  The skin has a mesh on top of it which is why you see the weave.  Dr. Keller said they took as much muscle off Mike's back as he had available.  It's huge!!  Also very swollen.  The blood is normal and actually not that much.  (you can see his happy little toes)

Craig Keller and Kraig the Nurse got this foot all wrapped up and happy again. Mike also has a nerve block inserted just above his the back of his knee and this helps keep the vessels open.  I've never seen so many wires on one person.  

All in all, considering what Mike has been through in the past 30 hours, he is doing well.  He has so far to go and just sitting up in a day or two will be a big feat.  He hates that bed pan so he will be UP as soon as he is able to move a little.  Right now the foot MUST stay in the UP position and his back hurts so bad that he doesn't want to move much.  

So Big Birthday for MC and we are all celebrating his life and the fact that he is still with us.  Any birthday wishes here, online, his email , or a text will be wonderful.  503-778-0190 - but please don't call - just a text.  He is keeping his phone off so he is not bothered.  I hope you all understand how sensitive he is right now regarding visitors and anything that feels a little taxing.   He sends big LOVE to everyone, we both do and we know you are out there sending prayers and good warm loving thoughts. 

SB & MC out for today - Have a wonderful weekend.  If you're in Portland you know how incredible our September weather is, so enjoy!!!  

PS -  right now 4 nurses are changing his sheets, doing a sponge bath -  OH MY what a production.  Bless him in the biggest way possible.  "Love you Mikey - how I wish I could make it better for you"

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sept 12th Part 2 - The evening of Mike's Big Surgery day

Here's MC's ICU journey so far. 

These two lovely ladies brought Mike up to his room.  

Getting set up with Nurse Amy - she did a great job getting him all set up and settled into his new 5 Star Digs!  The remodel here was done just 6 months ago.  It's a huge beautiful room. 

Here is another view of the room.  I love this photo because you can see my briefcase handle is suffering from a screw loose / done fallen out situation.  :-/
It's funny in some respects.  It sort of reflects how I feel some days.  Not quite whole but still able to roll!  Those that know me, know that I take my wheelie everywhere! 

So here is MC just into ICU - not the greatest shot ( I know he'll say that) but this depicts what's happening right now and how he's feeling.  Pain level from shoulder to foot is a solid 8.  They have been working hard to calm everything down.   

 Here is my new view.  Huge room, my own couch and rolling table - ha a portable office.  Actually I have spent the last 3 hours helping to assist him in getting comfortable.  
The room is kept at 80 degrees and the vents are just above the couch I'm on and they are vented toward me.  It's a bit warm in here, but a nice break from all the air conditioned rooms that are near freezing.  Mike is getting great attention from his new ICU Nurse Cassie.  Shift change happens at 7 and all sorts of things always seem to happen at that time.  Cassie has a whole list of To-Dos for MC tonight.  Checking for bed sores, rolling off his hips and so on.  Perhaps getting his big cushy foam topper back on his bed too. 
 Here is one of the ICU Trauma PA's working with Cassie to get Mike a pain med pump.  He will have a personal assistant throughout the night if he needs it every 12 minutes.  He is resting much better in this photo.  Finally getting the pain under control. 
Dr. Frome put this sign on his foot - his BIG, BIG, FOOT. 
It's very important that NO pressure goes to that side of the foot.  So far the Cook Doppler (see the green wires) is picking up blood flow to the foot!  This is very, very good!   everyone is happy and the back seems to be in agreement that it will take over for the foot.  We'll know more as the days go on.  Now as far as the back being happy about taking over for the foot - that is completely another story. 
Mike was cut under the right armpit all the way in an arc to his spine just above his pelvis.  A BIG incision.  And his back is NOT happy about that part.  Lots of nerves firing and trying to figure out what the heck just happened and where did my muscle go?  
This is Mike's right arm.  When I told him he had dozens of wires connected to him, I wasn't kidding.  His wires have wires and you can't even begin to see them all.  

MC is well and he/ we the peanut gallery are happy to be beginning that journey on the other side with him.  Mike is in great hands and we heard so many raves reviews about Dr. Frome and that Mike had the best of the very best!  More soon  and just know that MC so appreciates all of your support.  I have been relaying emails, text messages and so on as they come in. 

Big Heart Hugs tonight with SB & MC in ICU

Sept 12th Mike is on his journey toward healing

Hello all who love and care for Mike!  

Ready to go!  

Mike's friend Rob Peutz gave mike the Down-rider HD Patch
Broken Wings/Wilted Wings - May mean the wearer has crashed a bike, but still rides. Usually means a relatively severe crash with injuries. Older usage indicates a biker who has been around for a long time, and is a high mileage, experienced biker. 

The next chapter:

HEALING: Mike is such a trooper - has the best attitude ever.  I won't say he was excited and all happy about the procedure this morning, but I can say we was very, very READY and optimistic.  I gave his back an extra big hug and told it to do a good job for his foot.  He told me he had already had a talk with his back and it was in agreement with the task at hand in taking over for his foot.  Go figure we cried a little together knowing it was all going to finally come together for him. 

At 8:00 am this morning they took him down to the basement / surgery area - Doctors and Nurses and assistants all came to see him and answer our questions.  Mike was very much at peace.  They rolled him away after a big hug and a kiss. (OK lots of little kisses)  Hard to say good-bye this time.   Nurse Marcy gave me a pager and said she would also call me frequently. 

Every 90 minutes or so I got a call.  It till till about 10 before they had him on the table and ready to begin the procedure.  They elected to take the muscle from the right latissimus.  This way they could twist him a little while exposing the right side of his back and the bottom of his left foot .   This was very important when it came to placing the muscle to the foot / ankle.   About 2 they said they were ready to start closing him up - 5 hours total surgery from cut to starting the stitching up, another 45 minutes to close him.  

Dr. Frome came in at 3:30 and we talked for 15 minutes.  Emily the head Nurse came in at 4 and we talked another 10 minutes or so.  Dr. Frome looked a little tired.  She even admitted she was a bit exhausted.  Long day and a very intricate surgery.  Here are her details as best I can recall:  The Latissimus was a beautiful muscle and they took a 30 x 37cm  cut.  She said they used every bit of it.  There was a large amount of flesh to cover.  The back has a very large incision from the armpit to the middle of the low back /pelvis.  Two drains are attached which collect all the fluids that are draining.  The foot is wrapped and very swollen (expected) and larger than any wrapping we have seen so far.  They used a donors skin to cover the flap.  This skin in temporary and will be replaced by Mike's skin in about a week.  It is very good to cover the flap with skin for healing purposes, but because some adjustments may need to be made this week, there was no reason to use Mike's skin twice.  (He is now part Afro American - for one week)  He was complaining about his tan fading, so now he has a little color.   Thank you in the hugest way to this incredible donor and what that person has made possible.    

Emily basically said the same things - but she confirmed that he did very well.  She said he is a little pale, but doing well.  He needed 3 units of blood as he lost over 800cc.   More later if needed.  His blood pressure tends to drop low so they have given him some Blood Pressure support meds to get his pressure up.  The artery feeding the flap does not do well in supplying blood when the pressure drops.  They are watching it very closely. 

His next step is to be transported to ICU.   Dr. Frome said a good positive attitude is everything.  Well that and all the other components -  The dedicated ICU nurse will be listening with the Cook Doppler to ensure all is well with the flap.  Dr. Frome said there may be a lot of blood but that is normal due to his thin blood these days. (heart meds).  He will be watched 100% of his time up there on the 3rd floor.  Room 322 BTW - remember no flowers can be delivered to ICU and Mike is not crazy about them anyway. :-)  an email is fun to read or a card that may bring a smile to his already happy spirit.  

Marcy just came to see me one last time.  Mike is awake and will be heading out of PACU soon and up to ICU.  They are doing last minute wrappings and measuring.  I'll give one more post from ICU later on. 

PS  Most of you know that Saturday is Mike's birthday (double nickels as he puts it).  Cards are welcome. As far as visitors please check with me first unless you are immediate family. Mike will be heavily sedated and not up for much conversation.  I will keep you posted on that.  You can also call or text me at 503-758-8802.

SB - Out for now - with you again soon. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11 let us never forget those who are impacted from Sept 11th 2001 - MC is ready for surgery!

Good evening Dear Family members & Dear Friends,  
It's a very special day to remember. 
I think we should all take a minute to be silent and remember those who died in 9-11 and those who were left behind and impacted by the attack.  This has changed the world and so many of us have been touched by what happened.  Not only this attack but others throughout the decades.  Pause to remember! 

Today I took MC for a stroll outside and we ended up visiting the Randall Children's Hospital.  It's beautiful and whimsical and you can feel the dedication to the Children.  As adults we really enjoyed the colors and all the fun decor.  After all we are ALL kids at heart and we never outgrow being one. 

What's fun about this photo is that you can see out the window in the courtyard that there is rolling grassy hills.  Yes that's really grass.  It was fun to look at and to think about watching someone mow it. The whole area was very inviting.  But 95 degrees out was a bit warm to just hang around.  I liked the inside better, however liked looking out the windows. 

Here's MC in the trees with the birds.  This was just too much fun!  We also went through the Children's ER area.   Again, very whimsical with wonderful artwork and a very inviting children's play area.  Great place for a children's play date, but not recommending it. 

So now for the important part of the day!  MC is here in this photo with a BIG thumbs up.  He was loaded with two blood transfusions and lots of antibiotics in prep for tomorrow. 
(you can see he plum wore his sock out)  He's  very ready for the Free Flap surgery with Dr. Keller and Dr. Frome.  It has come down to this procedure in order to save his foot.  While  the Doctors were here this morning they chatted with Mike about tomorrow's surgery and what he can expect afterwards.  The Surgeons are Ready to GO!  

Mike goes in at 8:30 which means they will collect him about 7:30.  I'll be down there with him to ask any final questions we may have.  The surgery room is booked for 6 hours which takes us into mid-afternoon.  As soon as I hear from the Good Doc, I will do a quick update here and let everyone know via email that an update has been posted.

"I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts , prayers and well wishes. I especially appreciate your recognition of all the effort that Sherry puts into these updates.  Not much more I can say tonight except thank you so very much". Mike, Dad, MC...

SB & MC out from room 4501 (last night in the suite - tomorrow is ICU till Sat sometime) 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sept 10th Friends, a haircut and a video link that may require you to have a tissue handy

Hi Friends - Mikey had a pretty rough time yesterday with his surgery and getting control of his pain level.  I've never heard his say he was higher than a 6, but he was claiming loud and clear that he was an 8 last night.  After mixing up a new cocktail of painkillers the foot started feeling a little better.  The recovery time downstairs was longer than usual, but all is fine and the foot has been prepared for Thursday's surgery and the free flap.  

Mike and his long time buddies Clay and Serge

My dear friend Christopher Locatell shared Mike's story with this Doc Wong motorcycle group and specifically with the Bikers For Christ.  This afternoon Mike Friend, Kelly and his wife Marilyn came up to see MC and to have a prayer with him.  They offered to mow his lawn this week.  Oh wow!  We might just take them up on that offer! 

Toni my good, good wild and crazy friend and haircutter 
came by to give Mikey a good old fashioned cut.   

Today we received an email from Dixie Regional's Marti and out Case Manager.  Here is her email -

Hi Sherry!

I have been following your blog (quite proud of myself!) and am staying encouraged. It sounds like you are also taking some care of yourself and getting some work done. For that I am proud of you!
The video of you and Mike was just sent out to the entire block of employees and was beautiful. Thank you for doing that.
I assume the hospital has sent you a copy, but just in case I have also attached it.

Take good care of yourselves and thanks for staying in touch

Enjoy!!!  S&M out -  and a little more of our story has now been shared with you too!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sept 9th Monday morning surgery for wound cleanse and Fixator removal.

Good Monday all,   I arrived early on the scene this morning because I like to head to the basement with Mike when he goes down for surgery.  this is a great opportunity for me to meet the doctors, hear what they have to say about the procedure they are going to perform and Mike and I can also get questions addressed.  

So that's what we did about 8am.  Headed to the basement. Talked with Dr. Frome from quite some time.  Her plan was to first - remove the fixator and replace it with a splint of some sort to stabilize the foot and float the heel.  She was also going to clean and replace the wound VAC and make an incision into his ankle to explore the artery they are planning to use on Thursday for the Free Flap surgery.  ( I was going to add a link for the Free Flap surgery, but I'll let you google that one yourself - it's not for everyone to click on)    

See Below to hear what Dr. Frome said AFTER today's surgery:
Off to surgery

Dr. Frome explaining today's procedure

More explaination

Dr. Keller in the red t-shirt and Mike being a great listener when he really wants to 
"manage this project" 

I spoke with Dr. Frome after the surgery and she said things went well.  We usually do hear that. :-)
She said the fixater was removed and they flushed out the wound with a water jet type tool.  She said it was like using a power washer but in a very mini fashion.  Next she put an incision up his leg from the ankle so she could get a good look at the artery.  She was happy with what she found.  The artery will be bringing the blood supply TO the flap and other vessels will take the blood away.  This artery is KEY to the success of this surgery.  I headed back to his room since recovery time is usually very short, but it's been 4 hours now and I hear there is a small bleeding issue that they will watch before returning him. 

More good news: Yesterday Mike and I talked to Dr. Gilman who is a bone specialist and he is very happy with how Mike's bones are healing.  The femur is looking great.  His knee will take some time to recover but with therapy all of that is very optimistic for recovery.  When speaking about his ankle he said he wanted the fixator off for now, but will replace it with the Ilizarov after surgery.  At least that is today's plan - but the Docs get to change then al will - remember?   :-) 

Dr. Frome did add that we really need to hang in there!  Mike has a long year ahead of him.  Keeping a positive attitude with his chin up will greatly help in the healing and recovery of his foot.  

His Free Flap surgery is on Thursday at 8:30 and they have blocked out 6 hours in the operating room. I don't think I will know much till late in the afternoon PST.   More later - I'm going to go track him down and at least get his phone to him and give him a kiss on the forehead!  

SB in MC's room over and out for now. 
Love and Hugs to all of you!!! 


Sept 8th MC strolls through the Legacy Children's Garden and feels the sunshine for the first time in 11 days

I wanted to take a moment and share a nice outing Mike had on Sunday afternoon.  I hope you can see how much he enjoyed getting out into the sun and smelling the roses. 

Entering the Children's Garden

Beautiful bronze fountain

Mike feeling the sunshine

Special wall of tiles done by the children

The Children's Garden Dedication 

So many signs to read and little things to look at

We even found the yellow brick road and the Tin Man holding Dorothy's shoes 
It was nice for both of us to get out and sit in the outside air for a little bit. 

MC's room with a view.  He's up in the treetop over looking the Garden.  At least he sees the trees and branches out his BIG windows.  (Mike has a double room) 

Fun and whimsical birdhouses. 

When Pigs FLY - and apparently they do!!  

Hope you enjoyed Mike's little hour in the Park as much as we did! 

Sept 7th - 8th Weekend friends and family keep MC very busy

First of all - to the weekend warriors - I realize that I have not posted in 2 days - so first here is a short weekend update then I'll do another post with today's info. 

The weekend consisted of 2 days filled with healing, showers, food, PT and friends, friends and more friends.  It was good for MC to see so many.  The visits kept him busy and he was able to catch up with lots of people he's been wanting to chat with. 

I may not remember everyone who came by but here are a few. Judy and Jim,  The Gonzales Family, Britta Jackson, Billy Westmoreland, Leonard Weitman, Gary Fuka, Gary Lang and Jan Barton with her sister and friend. (that's another story)  

Mike's sister Judy and Daddy Jim Colligan

Nicki, Joe and Yolonda Gonzales

Britta Jackson, Sherry's youngest daughter who just moved home from Louisville, KY as a Cardinal Graduate!  (thus the tank top)  Go Cards! 

Funny story - Most of you know that I sold my house in Bend last February and moved in with Mike full time after closing.  The woman that bought my home is Jan Barton who lives in Texas primarily but wanted a second home.  Her sister Lisa, in Portland Nurse was helping with the search and it was Lisa who found my sweet little getaway and shared it with Jan.  I had not met Jan, although we thought that one day we would meet.  We had such a great connection over the phone.  When she bought the house, she loved the way it looks so much that she even bought all of my furnishings.  

Long story shortened up - MC was in recovery last week and he wanted to be sure "Sherry Brown" talks to the doctor.  I guess he said my name a few times and the recovery nurse who knew Mike's name, started asking questions about Bend and put it all together that it is her sister Jan Barton who bought Mike's girlfriends home.  The recovery nurse, Lisa is in fact the one who drove to Bend, loved the house and told her sister to "buy-it now"!   

Jan Barton is here in Portland this weekend and she and Lisa came by the hospital last night to meet me and visit with Mike.  What a grand reunion / meet up.   Funny how life can bring people together - it's never for us to guess, we just need to go with the flow... 
Sherry, Jan and Lisa

Next, I met my long time family Physician, now retired, Dr. Reagan in the Surgery waiting area today. It was great to see him, thank him for delivering and taking care of my kids during their younger years.  MC's accident has again brought hidden blessings my way. 

Dr. Pete Reagan! 

Follow your path, embrace it - not always the one you think you should take, but the one you are given. sb