Ready to go!
Mike's friend Rob Peutz gave mike the Down-rider HD Patch
Broken Wings/Wilted Wings - May mean the wearer has crashed a bike, but still rides. Usually means a relatively severe crash with injuries. Older usage indicates a biker who has been around for a long time, and is a high mileage, experienced biker.
The next chapter:
HEALING: Mike is such a trooper - has the best attitude ever. I won't say he was excited and all happy about the procedure this morning, but I can say we was very, very READY and optimistic. I gave his back an extra big hug and told it to do a good job for his foot. He told me he had already had a talk with his back and it was in agreement with the task at hand in taking over for his foot. Go figure we cried a little together knowing it was all going to finally come together for him.
At 8:00 am this morning they took him down to the basement / surgery area - Doctors and Nurses and assistants all came to see him and answer our questions. Mike was very much at peace. They rolled him away after a big hug and a kiss. (OK lots of little kisses) Hard to say good-bye this time. Nurse Marcy gave me a pager and said she would also call me frequently.
Every 90 minutes or so I got a call. It till till about 10 before they had him on the table and ready to begin the procedure. They elected to take the muscle from the right latissimus. This way they could twist him a little while exposing the right side of his back and the bottom of his left foot . This was very important when it came to placing the muscle to the foot / ankle. About 2 they said they were ready to start closing him up - 5 hours total surgery from cut to starting the stitching up, another 45 minutes to close him.
Dr. Frome came in at 3:30 and we talked for 15 minutes. Emily the head Nurse came in at 4 and we talked another 10 minutes or so. Dr. Frome looked a little tired. She even admitted she was a bit exhausted. Long day and a very intricate surgery. Here are her details as best I can recall: The Latissimus was a beautiful muscle and they took a 30 x 37cm cut. She said they used every bit of it. There was a large amount of flesh to cover. The back has a very large incision from the armpit to the middle of the low back /pelvis. Two drains are attached which collect all the fluids that are draining. The foot is wrapped and very swollen (expected) and larger than any wrapping we have seen so far. They used a donors skin to cover the flap. This skin in temporary and will be replaced by Mike's skin in about a week. It is very good to cover the flap with skin for healing purposes, but because some adjustments may need to be made this week, there was no reason to use Mike's skin twice. (He is now part Afro American - for one week) He was complaining about his tan fading, so now he has a little color. Thank you in the hugest way to this incredible donor and what that person has made possible.
Emily basically said the same things - but she confirmed that he did very well. She said he is a little pale, but doing well. He needed 3 units of blood as he lost over 800cc. More later if needed. His blood pressure tends to drop low so they have given him some Blood Pressure support meds to get his pressure up. The artery feeding the flap does not do well in supplying blood when the pressure drops. They are watching it very closely.
His next step is to be transported to ICU. Dr. Frome said a good positive attitude is everything. Well that and all the other components - The dedicated ICU nurse will be listening with the Cook Doppler to ensure all is well with the flap. Dr. Frome said there may be a lot of blood but that is normal due to his thin blood these days. (heart meds). He will be watched 100% of his time up there on the 3rd floor. Room 322 BTW - remember no flowers can be delivered to ICU and Mike is not crazy about them anyway. :-) an email is fun to read or a card that may bring a smile to his already happy spirit.
Marcy just came to see me one last time. Mike is awake and will be heading out of PACU soon and up to ICU. They are doing last minute wrappings and measuring. I'll give one more post from ICU later on.
PS Most of you know that Saturday is Mike's birthday (double nickels as he puts it). Cards are welcome. As far as visitors please check with me first unless you are immediate family. Mike will be heavily sedated and not up for much conversation. I will keep you posted on that. You can also call or text me at 503-758-8802.
SB - Out for now - with you again soon.
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