Friday, November 15, 2013

The Month of Thanksgiving! So Much to be Thankful For

Hello all, 3 weeks at home, but who's counting?  (15 weeks 2 days post accident) 

Here's Mikey at his last a appointment - 3 weeks post hospital stay.  This appointment was with Dr. Gellman again.  He gave us another prescription of adjustments to do on the struts that will take us to the next 2 week appointment. He said all was looking very good and was very pleased with how the foot is coming into a favorable position. 

Mike has kept himself busy with sleeping in, watching TV, stretching, Doctor appointments and visiting with all the incredibly wonderful friends that have taken the time to stop in and see him.  I can't tell you how much he enjoys that. 

Before I get into the photos below I would like to share a link that Dave McKinney put together that depicts the photos of Mike's trip to Utah (just before the accident) with his motorcycle buddies.  It's only 3 minutes long, set to music and very enjoyable.  Thanks Dave!    Dave's photo compilation of the Utah trip

Mike is stretching his toes.  Something he needs to do everyday so that his toes don't atrophy in an unfavorable position. (curled in)  

I'm very excited about the position of "The Foot"  The bones are Healing!!

This is a great view of what "The Foot" looked like 2 weeks ago and just 2 days ago.  It's very obvious that the first photo his ankle is not nearly as close to a right angle as the second photo.  This is really good news. ( 2 more weeks should be the all it takes get things into a good walking position)  We are still not sure on the removal date.  Sounds like it may be within the next month or two.  We need to hear what Dr. Frome has to say. 

"The Foot"
Some might not think it looks all that good, but it really is doing as well as expected. 
(yes it is big and huge and looks like something is wrong - it's ok) 

Here is a look at the bottom of Mike's foot.  I include this because this IS the reality of what is going on.  We have come a long ways, but we have a long ways to go.  Mike's foot is not smooth and healed just yet. There is no actual heel area.  Just a slab of flesh that he will have to learn to walk on.  I know you'll stay tuned for those updates. :-)

The "MC's Angel" shirts arrived.  Zach Miller ( Mike's daughter, Maddie's BF) had his 26th birthday, so we had them up from Salem for dinner.  Good opportunity for all of us to sport our MC shirts.  If you have an MC shirt, send me a photo and I'll post it here on the blog.  It will be fun to see all the photos that come in. 125 shirts were sold. 

Here we are pointing at the Angel wings and ribbon.  Love the shirts and it will be fun wearing them. 
(Maddie, Zach, Sherry and Britta) 

This morning Mike decided to do a few leg lifts in bed.  "The Foot" weighs about 10 lbs and feels like even more when you put it out at the end of your leg.  This is great exercise for Mike.  His morning routine is getting easier and he is finding that he can do more and more for himself.  Getting a pant leg over his foot is probably the toughest.  Showering is another challenging part of the day, but that too is getting a little easier and becoming more of a routine.  I also think the pain is becoming more manageable with fewer & fewer drugs. 

This last photo is a personal celebration photo. 
My sweet little granddaughter Harper, severely burned the palms and fingers of both hands about 5 weeks ago when she stood up by using the glass front of a pellet stove.  After weeks of wound care, a near surgery,  her bandages are off, she turned 1, just 2 weeks ago.  We all have so much to be thankful for.  

There are so many reasons that it's important to be careful and it's usually because it can effect others - perhaps forever.  Never intentional, but it can touch another's life when we don't pay close attention.  Much love to sweet Baby Harper! 

S & M out for tonight - please come by for a visit - Mike and I would love to see you!!!
503-778-0190  just give MC a quick call or text. 

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