"MC's Angels T-Shirt Photos!! "
Mike's Daughter Katelyn put together a way for people to show their support for MC.
These are some of the folks showing OFF their support!
Jim Colligan - MC's Dad!
MC's Daughter Maddison, her BF Zach, the GF Sherry and Sherry's daughter Britta
Maddie, Zach, Sherry & Britta showing off their wings!!!
MC's 1st cousin Tracy Colligan
Good friend Shaun Golden of San Diego!
This is Kelsy, MC's neighbor. Lived in the same cul-de-sac since she was born - 3rd daughter for sure!
I bumped into her at Costco and she was sporting her MC t-shirt while Christmas shopping.
This is Mike Zabierek, fellow rider and Angel friend!
Quote from Jim
"Here's the picture of my wife Joni with the shirt I got for her. I sincerely hope your Dad is doing better. Best of care and luck to him."
Joni and Ken Barnes
This is Sherry's Mom, Nancy Haring - almost like having a Mother-In-Law!
Here is Dean, Russell & Randall. Dean met Mike in Utah just before the accident at Shark Week III. How nice of him to buy a t-shirt for the boys as well.
This is Randy Willig. He and MC worked together. I hear he is responsible for turning MC into a true Salesman. Mike says "thanks Randy"!
This is Brady and Bryan! Angels ONLY Because they are wearing wings in this photo. So I hear from my Dear Friend Lucia. She should know since they are her Grandsons. :-)
Brady and Bryan - with NO wings. "Super cute and thanks boys for supporting MC! "
Quote from Ron
"Sherry - you rock - hoping to finally meet you in Maine and see Mike again.
Please tell Katelyn thanks for letting us be a small part of the recovery
effort. Tell Mike first round in Maine is on him -- Ron "Workman"
MC's Angel Jack Wojnowski
This is the dear sweet Martha "Marty" Markward from St. George.
Dixie Regional Medical Center Case Manager - but mostly a great friend!!!!
MC & SB out for now
and thank you dear friends for your MC support!
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