I arrived nice and early this morning. In fact Mike sent me a text asking if I was awake yet and I walked in the room. I love saying good morning face to face. The morning was moving along just fine and after a bowl of the usual raisin bran, the OT had Mike up on a walker ( new to him) and headed over to the bathroom. (10' away)
After doing his "business" so to speak, MC headed back to his recliner for some upright time. He complained of being lightheaded and sweaty. I noticed he felt unusually cold and clammy. After getting comfy he got noticeably quiet. When I looked at him (I was sitting on his bed 2' away) and he had clearly passed out or ? I called out to the OT who was in the bathroom straightening things, she called down the hall and down the hall came running! Code whatever was over the PA to room 4504 and I was in the corner trying to stay out of the way. Mike's easy chair became a quick bed and all the professionals did "their thing".
When Mike came to, he said he must have invited a lot of people to the party. He said "something big must have happened there are a lot of people in the room".
He was only out for about 45 seconds. The Doctors determined it was NOT a Heart Attack and it was NOT a seizure - just a little light headedness. He basically passed out. A blood transfusion and fluids got added to the agenda and even more attention to his every body's movement and beep put out by each machine.
Dr. Gee, the General Trauma Surgeon was right across the hall. It seemed like all the right people were in all the right places. This afternoon PT came in and got MC back on his feet and reinstalled a little confidence in his ability to get up and move about. He's back in his easy chair right now. (By the way Dr. Gee is a taller version of one of my Dearest Friends Tim Cox and I feel like he's a bit of an angel. Tim is an Angel. Isn't it grand to have people like that in our lives? )
I think he's looking pretty good right now and he's defiantly feeling pretty good.
We are loving the help from ALL the staff!!!
The word from the good Ortho Doc was that tomorrow the plastics and the ortho specialists will take MC back into surgery for a wound flush. At this point the Doctors will finally be able to make a full evaluation of Mikes foot and it's ability to stay or go. That sounds a little black and white - we are hopping we have great options / choices.
SB & MC out for this afternoon. Heart Hugs to everyone!
Wow...what a morning is right!! Looks and sounds like all the right folks were there at the right time, so thankful!!