Thursday, September 19, 2013

Remembering to enjoy the Sunsets and celebrate Mike's Progress

Hello everyone, 
Today's Post will cover 2 days:  On Wednesday Mike did the usual bedtime routine.  He has had some additional issues with his Kidney function and Blood Protein levels.  Some of this they feel is due to a very invasive antibiotic he was taking.  That stopped 48 hours ago and things seem to be improving. He will continue his Zosyn antibiotic given through his PICC line for another 4-6 weeks minimum.   Mikes has also had an excessive amount of water retention throughout his body and a large amount of swelling in his foot and ankle.  This is also causing a lot of seepage around the wound.  Time to tackle that:  Mike is now on oral lasix to reduce all the extra fluid.

Not too much news on the foot - still no bacteria and the flap is looking good.  Todays' report has more detail but first I want to share last night's sunset with you. 

My folks, Dave and Karen Haring invited me out to have dinner with them on their little dingy at the Columbia River Yacht Club.  It's such a lovely little place to have dinner, sip some vino, watch the sunset, the moon rise and get much needed hugs from Mom and Dad! "Thanks Mom and Dad, I love you" 

On my way walking down the docks to the Sun Runner on A-Dock. 

Mom and Dad waving hello!   See the moon?  It was so beautiful.  First all the Navy and or Air Force fighter jets had to grace us with their presence - Impressively loud.  Once the darkness came the moon was so big and round and bright.  It was one of those super clear and beautiful Willamette Valley September nights. 

OK - on to today's festivities on Mikey and the foot now that I am feeling all refreshed! 
Dr. Frome and Just Craig came in and undressed everything.  Still a lot of drainage, but no concerns and everything is looking as good as possible.  Here's the plan going forward:

Tuesday:  Dr. Gelman and Frome's Team will go to work on Mike in the Operating room.  Dr. Gelman will put the Ilizarov Frame onto Mike's ankle.  At that point Frome will replace the donor skin Mike has with another donors skin. Because of the Ilizarov she does not want to use Mike's own skin until she is sure there won't be any interruption for her grafting process. 

After that:  Not exactly sure if there will be a day or two in the hospital, then home!!!   Mike will be back for his skin to be grafted onto his flap one week after the frame is installed.  After that surgery he will be in the hospital for another couple of days - I'll remind you of that timeline as it comes and goes.   He is feeling so much better today and it's good to know what to expect  on some sort of timeline. 
Dr. Frome is very happy about how things are looking.  Time to redress. 

Dr. Frome is pushing Mike's foot UP to stretch his foot to a better place.  The Frame will put it in place next Tuesday and keep it there as long as need be for proper alignment and healing. 

Dr. Frome and Just Craig have wrapped MC all pretty again.  His Doppler will come out tomorrow and his nerve block will stay in as long as the Anesthesiologist feels it can stay. 

The latest on Mike and having visitors.  He said because he is so up and down on energy that it would be best to text him directly if you wanted to come by.  503-778-0190.The room temp has been reduced to 75 degrees.  I can tolerate that!  :-)   Please keep in mind that a long visit for Mike right now is 10-15 minutes even if he seems like he is doing fine.  He won't really show how tired or "done" with the visit he is, so just try to keep that in mind. After all the visit is about him not you. Right?  :-)))

Early out today, love and hugs, SB and MC who is sound asleep right next to me. 

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  1. Mom's and Dad's are the GREATEST! Especially in difficult times. Sherry, you are doing such great things, exhausting things. I know how grateful we are for you! Mikey, you are doing a fantastic job of getting through all of this. Don't know that I would have your strength! Take care and prayers coming your way! Cousin Kathryn and Pauly

  2. Mike, your foot is looking better, so good to see a smile on the doctor's face. I'm fascinated with these photos and watching your progress. Pat, hmmm not so much, he can't bring himself to look at your foot just yet, I think it upsets him too much. But he knows your doing better and having good reports. I read the updates to him. He will txt you again tomorrow (Friday) to see if your up for a short hello. If not we understand.
    Sherry, so good to hear your having a few outings with family. What a great evening with your folks, great boat too. Thanks for everything you do for Mike.
