Monday, September 16, 2013

Graduation Day and Mike is out of ICU

Hi all,  Well they call it Graduation Day when you move from ICU to TRACU.   After MC had some breakfast, PT and a nap – the transport Nurse rolled in and moved him to his much, much smaller, tiny, itsy, bitsy, teeny, weenie, itty, bitty room.   If it’s possible to be  smaller than our first room – it is.  Basically the Nurse can get in there with the bed, the bed tray, the IV roller unit and a small chair in the corner.  I lost my suite and oh how I miss it.  They quickly pumped the heat up to 80 degrees just like the other room.  Funny how it seems to take hours to move only a few hundred feet down the hall and get settled again. 
MC rolling into his new room. We are going to miss EMBER his Nurse from ICU. 

I left about 5:00 tonight so I could take my oldest, Brandon out to dinner for his 31st b-day celebration.  Mike was resting comfortably and I made him promise to watch something funny on the tube tonight and drink tons of water.  His appetite is down so I’m doing my best to remind him to eat, eat, eat.  (no candy or sweets – he’s been making great choices)  And get plenty of protein.   Tonight when I kissed him good-bye, he kissed me back with a little more enthusiasm than usual.  That was a great sign and I felt a little pitter patter I hadn’t felt in a long time.  8-)  So happy Mike is feeling a little better.  He actually had a few smiles today.  If anything there is a lot of anxiety about the foot and the future.   I cannot blame him.  I think about those things all the time too. 

Dr. Frome checked in today and so did Dr. Chang the Infectious Disease specialist.  So far good reports and nothing to be too concerned about.  Just not out of the woods for a while yet.   The nerve block is helping with the foot pain and all the other drugs are helping with the rest of what the body is struggling with.   He has a few less wires hooked to his body and he sure likes that.  Also the BP cuff is only attached every hour now and not sitting on him taking readings every 15 minutes 24/7.   By the way his BP is doing fine on it’s own without the support meds.  He still has his Central Line and that is how they are giving him all of his fluids and antibiotics.

I’m missing my MC tonight and he is really missing the celebration with Brandon.  Mike is probably a couple more days out from visitors but if that changes tomorrow I will be sure to let you know.  His room is honestly big enough for 2 people to stand and that’s it.   His sister and dad are planning a visit on Wednesday evening.  I think he will be up for that.

Please text me if you have questions or you can email MC.  He does his best work at about 4 am when he can’t sleep.  J

SB & MC out from across town from each other, but together in spirit.   He will read this tonight, so I’d like to add “sleep well sweetheart, I love you”!  

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